In accordance with Club rules here is a copy of the Agenda for this year’s AGM to be held on Tuesday 10th May 2016 (printed copies will be available on the night).

Annual General Meeting
10th May 2016

1 Apologies for absence
2 Minutes of last AGM held on 12th May 2015
3 Matters arising
4 Our move to the Main Hall – Why it happened and the ongoing benefits
5 Committee Members’ Reports:
Treasurer’s report, accounts and approval of auditors
Syllabus Secretary
Membership Secretary
Exhibition Secretary
PDI Competition Secretary
Print Competition Secretary
Selection Committee Chair
6 President’s Address
7 Election of Officers:
See below for list
8 Motions
Motion 1 To maintain the current subscriptions for year 2016-2017, but abolish the discount for married couples

Item 7. Election of Officers
Committee proposes the following to be elected en-bloc:

President: Noel Patterson
Immediate Past President: Rob Hockney
General Secretary: Paula Martin
Treasurer: Richard Scaife
Membership Secretary: Christine Bedwin
Syllabus Secretary: Rob Hockney
Web Master: Danny Hurley
Print Competition Secretary: Julie Shoesmith
PDI Competition Secretary: Vacant (Danny Hurley to cover)
Selection Committee Chair: Noel Patterson
Exhibition secretary: Vacant (Committee to cover)
Equipment Secretary: Rick Chandler
Publicity Secretary: Alan Saunders
Without Portfolio: Simeon Briggs, Yvonne St Cyr

Delivery of next season’s syllabus is overseen by the Syllabus Secretary for the past season.