Graham has collapsed exhausted from blogging so much success so I thought I should take over……….
Not only are we now officially the third best club in the L&CPU behind only Wigan 10 and Chorley (and no longer by much) – ref. LCPU web site Club comp results, and the eighth best club in the entire PAGB – ref PAGB Cup results, but we had three individual award winners in the PAGB Cup –
Best Creative: Jackie Robinson
Best Mammal: Paul Mathews
Best Mammal Portrait: Rob Hockney
Only Wigan 10 had as many individual awards as us.
You can see all these results and many of the images on the L&CPU and PAGB web sites.
I’m told the bookies have stopped taking bets on the North Cheshire Challenges, but I still believe it would be diplomatic for us to let someone else share in the limelight.