Those of you who receive PAGB news (which I hope will incld. most if not all of you reading this) will have seen the article about enforcement of the new, unified, PAGB definition of Nature
PAGB []; on behalf of; PAGB []
You will see it is being enforced with some vigour and I can attest to it being adopted by several salons on the BPE circuit. Undoubtedly the most important element of the new definition is absolutely no cloning. You run the risk of being banned form competitions operating under PAGB patronage if you do not abide by this rule.
Whilst clearly this development will apply most critically to our more experienced photographers entering images into external salons your committee will be discussing how the Club might most usefully respond to this development in setting the rules for our own internal competitions. These are not Nature competitions and are currently run with only one, fully open category to which this new definition does not presently apply. However, this may not help our Nature photographers best hone their skills, nor best help the club perform in external competitions which most certainly will use this new definition.
Nature photographers please, please, please, take note and act. I don’t like it any more than you, but as Club president I do not want to become embroiled in a dispute with the PAGB about one of our members being guilty, or even suspected, of violating the rules.
Remember, garden first, then snap and process, although how one is supposed to do this with a lion or buffalo etc. is a mute point.
PS. The answer is you drug the lion, bring it into your studio, light it, brush its mane, set up your backdrop, photograph it, take it back to the bush and then submit your photographs into PAGB Nature competitions!