I have received confirmation that Margaret and John will be a running a second spring Nature Photography workshop as a result of oversubscription to the first. The date is 29th May – 5th June i.e. before the first workshop (Pay attention at the back). It will run to the same programme as the first and feature opportunities to shoot all things wild from hides, at baited sights etc. etc. Cost is a very reasonable £500 full board for a week in the Scottish Highlands. I believe Graham and Christine are going on the first workshop. Annette and I are going on the second (earlier one). More details from any of us. If you want to go sign up quick by contacting Mike Curtis (the Kindrogan Field Centre Manager) at Mike Curtis []. For further details point your browser at
This will be my second trip, and Christine’s third, and I wouldn’t be going again if I couldn’t recommend it! Margaret and John help and advise as much as you want on a wide variety of nature subjects, yet are more than happy for each of us to go off on our own and do our own thing. A great week is guaranteed!