In my recent blog “Do NOT miss this…” posted on 6th March, I intended to remind everyone that we have a second website, dedicated to the Inter-club PRINT and DPI competitions – THE NORTH CHESHIRE CHALLENGES. This site is accessed by clicking on The North Cheshire Challenges link buried, amongst those other links, atop our NCPS “Home” page.

Or click here NCC Website

There is a wealth of information accessible within this NCC website. It also has its own Blog, providing an up-to-date account of where we’re at in terms of these major competitions.

Some of our more recent members may not be aware that both the PRINT and DPI (formally “slide”) inter-club battles have formed an integral part of our Annual Exhibition over many, many years. In recent times they have become known as THE NORTH CHESHIRE CHALLENGES – a title that we hope is now familiar not only to our own members, but to those of all the competing clubs throughout our region and beyond. Their continuing, strong support is most encouraging and suggests that THE NORTH CHESHIRE CHALLENGES will be around for years to come.