Tuesday night saw a handful of members meet in The Vernon for The Pub Quiz! A relaxed but entertaining and at some points a racuous evening persued! Initially the idea was to have teams of 3, but as numbers were low, it was decided probably best to answer questions individually! Our president had put together 3 rounds of questions, all photography based.
The first round was on general knowledge, which most of us struggled with, especially song titles of various band/singers which were photography related ie:-
Lady Gaga, The Who, The Cure, Jim Croce, Blondie and Rod Stewart – please feel free to play along…………….!
The 2nd round was the technical round, which after a quick read through one of the questions our ex president Rob Hockney proclaimed if people didn’t know the answer to that, they should be drummed out of the club! So we all waited with baited breath and in complete awe as Rob explained what the answer was – all I can say is, it was nice knowing you Rob ;-)
The 3rd round was NCPS/Camer Club questions, which I’m pleased to report we all did extremely well at (phew).
Overall winner was Rob with 53 points (even with the epic fail!) and the rest of us were somewhat behind!
It was the arithmetic wot let me down guv!