Please welcome Mike Robinson to North Cheshire PS. Here’s a few words and a photo from Mike:
Having tinkered with cameras for a while I began taking it more seriously in 2012 when I started combining photography with diving and taking pictures under water. Having recently moved to Cheshire I have hung up my fins and brought my photography ashore. I have been lucky enough to have my pictures used by some magazines and also the Royal Navy, but they never seem to be the ones I like or think are the best so it seems I can get a nice image but then struggle to select the ones that really look good on a screen or in print. I’m hoping that by being an active member of NCPS I can start to more successfully sift the digital wheat from the chaff!
My main interest is now wildlife, especially otters and squirrels (although I will have a bash at birds). I get to travel a lot with work, but there are only so many pictures of oil rigs, sunsets at sea and airports you can take before you go mad so don’t expect to see any travel or landscape pictures from me any time soon. I am on the Canon side of ‘The Great Divide”, with a 7D mk2 with the usual collection of lenses from 100mm Macro up to my new baby, a 150-600mm Sigma which is a joy to use, but horrible to carry.
Welcome Mike!