The Battle of the Sexes Competition on Tuesday, was a thoroughly enjoyable evening all round. Our judges Christine Widdall & Mike Lawrence came dressed for the part, and openly encouraged booing, hissing and much laughter for a fun evening. All of which was delivered in bucket loads including flag waving from the girls and mumbling and grumbling from the boys including rules being rigged! ;-)
Prints were up 1st and the boys started off so well, but then it all went down hill for them, resulting in the girls winning prints 322 to the boys 307! Pdi’s next and ok we gave the boys this one, but only just and the fact that the boys tried to put the same image in from the prints was noticed and subsequently scored lower than judged in the prints! The boys won 324 to the girls 315. The girls won the Battle of the Sexes Competition overall and yet again, Girls – 637 and Boys – 631, so this now makes it 3-0.
I am also extremely pleased to announce that this competition WILL be making an appearance again in next years syllabus – this will give the boys yet more time to re-think their strategy. Just leave you with the words of Britney Spears – ‘Ooooops WE did it again!’ :-)
Many thanks to Roger Dye for allowing us to use his image of our distinguished judges for the evening.