The syllabus for the 2017-18 season is very nearly complete and I have just five slots left to fill. So far it follows the familiar pattern of, primarily, talks from visiting speakers, competitions and image assessment evenings with one Big Night scheduled for March 2018. I’ve dropped the Boys vs Girls competition (it has been suggested that’s because I’m fed up of being on the losing side!) and there will be no Geoff Robinson Photoshop Magic. If there is something or someone you would like to see included now is the time to contact me and tell me what it is/who they are. I’m open to any and all suggestions. Not least, I’d like your input into what we do on Tuesday 3rd October when (it being the first Tuesday in October) our venue is unavailable to us. We’ll have to go somewhere else to meet that evening and whilst we could all (?) go straight to the pub, it might be more in keeping with our aims if we arranged a studio session, went on a photoshoot or simply tried to hire another venue for the evening and put on one of our regular style evenings. I have a completely open mind about it at the mo. so if you have ideas about what you’d like to be arranged please get in touch. It is very noticeable that we have no practical sessions in our syllabus. Some might argue this is a little strange for a Society of photographers; others might argue that it is difficult to come up with a satisfying evening venue. Would you support one or more practical evenings? I mean of course not simply think they are a jolly good idea, but if we organised one or two would you actually come along with your camera and make some images?
Let me know what you think and what you want at OR talk with me on Tuesday evening(s).