Our very own NCPS member Alan Saunders took time out of his birthday schedule and entertained us for the evening on Tuesday with a variety of images from wildlife, macro, landscapes, night and astro photography. He took us around the country from local haunts such as Poynton Pool and Pott Shrigley, to far away fields from London to Scotland. He started off at Leighton Moss Nature Reserve where after 10yrs of hearing Bitterns he finally managed to successfully photograph one. His wildlife images were varied along with a huge amount of knowledge to go with them. Alan ended the 1st half with an AV of the graceful Red Kite.
He has recently began photographing horses, starting off with a friends horse, then onto cross country and show jumping. He’s dabbled with landscapes, bit of ICM (which he didn’t feel was his thing) done a couple of night workshops in London, and tried some astro photography in Scotland which he hopes to explore again in the near future. Alan ended the night with an AV of Grey Seals of Donna Nook. A very enjoyable evening which has been long over due. Though his talk included seascapes, landscapes and night photography etc, his true passion and what he does most of the time is Wildlife Photography.
For more of Alan’s images please take a look at his website:-