Doug made a welcome return to North Cheshire, and this time it was a more practical talk about all things printing related. His goal was to simplify and demystify as best as he could about printing. How satisfying printing is and any art should have an artefact and the photography process is not complete until it’s printed. A print is something to be able to show to friends and family and to show off on a wall. He feels that photography cubs should also encourage printing.
When managing colours, SRGB doesn’t see as many colours as Adobe RGB. If you shoot in RAW it’s irrelevant which colour space you have your camera set to, but your histogram would be more accurate if set to Adobe RGB. If shooting in JPEG then set camera to Adobe RGB, although the file would be bigger.
ICC custom paper profiles give you so much more for your printer, rather than generic. Profiles also use less ink as gives wider range of colours. Baryta paper enables lot more ink put down and colours closer to Adobe RBG especially for black and white, the paper gives deep blacks.
He suggested working on images in even light with no bright light hitting the screen. In Lightroom setting the background to white rather than black, also lower the brightness on computer screen.
Exporting from Lightroom his preferences are to File Format – TIFF, Colour Space – ProPhoto RGB (to keep all colour information), Bit Depth – 16bit, Resolution – 300 and Compression – None
The rendering intent is what the printer needs to know, so either perceptual or relative. Either is a matter of preference, but use relative for black and white as a matter of course.
Soft proofing for websites, computers & paper profiles, whereas Hard proofing relates to prints.
For soft proofing in Lightroom, on the histogram click on top left icon for websites, or the right icon for paper profiles, best to create a virtual copy to work on without being destructive.
In Photoshop, view proof setup and change settings to match LR preferences. View Gamut Warning and then if necessary use adjustment layer selective colour change to change individual colours. When hard printing, do lots of thumbnails on 1 x A4 paper to get it right and not waste paper.
A very informative evening, which hopefully most of us will now be encouraged to give it a go.
For further information check out Doug’s various webinars:-