Glyn Dewis kicked off a fantastic start to the season and the New Year!
There was a great turn out for Glyn, with many visitors from other clubs, including 1 coming from North Wales just to see the presentation, proving how popular Glyn is.
The 1st part of the evening he concentrated on how his new book ‘Photograph Like A Thief’ (due out in March) came to fruition. He always has a personal project, but when he 1st started in photography, he asked what did he want to photograph, but he didn’t know initially. He tried everything, weddings, landscape, wildlife and portraits. Only genre he enjoyed was portraits. He then needed to find a style, but again didn’t know what his style was or what he liked – hence where projects came about.
Images he likes, such as movie posters, paintings as well as photographs he saves. He looks at the lighting and where it’s coming from to create the image, such as Rembrandt lighting. The images that appeal to him, he tries to create himself, recreating the lighting and posing. He’s not looking at making an exact copy, but to do his own version & to have fun when creating the image. He has been know to use an Action Figure of a certain well known celebrity and, using a macro lens, replicating the lighting and creating his own version of a portrait image.
This is how the new book has materialised – as Glyn said your own likes and dislikes of a particular image, will influence your image(s) rather than copying 100%.
The 2nd part of the evening was about Retouching Techniques, which were many & varied. He emphasized that knowing how to use brushes, blend modes and layer masks in photoshop were a good starting base. All his techniques & equipment used, can be found by subscribing to his newsletter and YouTube channel which can be found here:-
His books can be purchased via Amazon.
Yet again Glyn delivered an exceptional evening’s entertainment. His knowledge and enthusiasm for his art is overwhelmingly infectious. I hope it’s not too long before we get to see him at North Cheshire again.