Your diaries should already show that the only place to be on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – the 20th, 21st and 22nd March – is the Civic Hall, Poynton!
On display will be our club’s print and PDI entry of course, but not to be missed are the North Cheshire Challenges – doors open 7.00pm with a prompt 8.00pm start for the judging of these major competitions.
On Wednesday we have a submission of 80 top prints from the leading North West clubs. Each one will be commented on before being marked by our judge, Mr Howard Tate from the Yorkshire Photographic Union.
On Thursday we have 100 PDIs entered by 20 top clubs into the Knock-out Competition to be judged by Ray Bramhall, also from the YPU. These have to be different images from those seen on Wednesday – so over the two nights we shall be scrutinising and hearing the judges’ comments on 180 of the very best competition images.
The hall will be buzzing with groups from most participating clubs and we expect to hear from a large contingency of our own members, cheering on the strong entry submitted by NCPS in the hope of picking up the Alan Adshead Memorial Trophy on Wednesday, or the North Cheshire Challenge Trophy on Thursday – or both!
Friday is a celebratory evening, with a Fish & Chip supper, a proper showing of our own members’ successes on the big screen and a complementary short but sweet A/V presentation.
Our members invest a great deal of time and effort to stage these events. Don’t miss out. They really are worth supporting.