Hi everyone, have just received this message via NCPS Facebook Page – yes Tony Facebook!! ;-) Anybody interested better get your skates on, closes end of August:-
I work for a company called Carbase and we are running a competition for the month of August called Motoring Photographer of the Year which has a first prize of £1000! We were wondering if you and your club’s members would be interested in entering? All that it involves is entering a picture that fits into one of our categories of Motion, Lifestyle or Close-up to our website at the following link where you will also find further details and our terms and conditions: http://bit.ly/MPOTY2016
If you feel this is something that yourself and your members would be interested in, would you be able to share this link on your page and any other way you see fit within your club. That would be immensely appreciated.
Finally if you do enter, best of luck! 🙂
Thank youhttp://www.carbase.co.uk/motoring-photographer-of-the-year-2016/