North Cheshire will be taking part in the following competitions, come along to see some great images:
Martin Avery Creative Print Competition Monday 24th October 2017 at 7.45 Emmanuel Church Hall, Cambridge Road, Southport PR9 9PR Judge – David Butler MFIAP EFIAP ARPS PPSA BPE5* Clubs invited – South Liverpool PS, South Manchester CC, St. Helens CC, North Cheshire PS, Chorley PS, Southport PS
PAGB INTER-CLUB PRINT CHAMPIONSHIP Sunday 06 November 2016 Ormskirk School, Wigan Road, Ormskirk L39 2AT Tickets £10 see PAGB e-news for details or buy on the day.
L&CPU Projected Digital Image Knock-Out Competition 19th November 2016
The venue for the evening is the Albany Academy, Chorley. Judge for the night is: Mr. Peter Gennard MFIAP, EFIAP/p.
This is a fun competition night with a serious side. Meet old friends, make new. The winning club and, author of the winning image will each receive a trophy