The L&CPU Audio Visual Competition is to take place at the Wilmslow Guild, 1 Bourne Street, Wilmslow, SK9 5HD on Saturday 8th February commencing at 10am. The closing date for your entries is Sunday 26th January to allow the judge time to view all the entries and to then write his constructive comments on each sequence. The judge for the competition is Tony Collinson LRPS, DPAGB/AV from the Yorkshire Photographic Federation. Tony will give his comments after each sequence is shown so that we can all learn.
If possible please try to come along to the competition to see your sequence on the big screen and to hear the judge’s constructive comments. Even if you are not entering (and why ever not!) you are welcome to come along and enjoy watching the sequences with members of other clubs.
Entry into the competition and admission on the day are both FREE!!
An Entry Form is attached for your use. If you require any help or further information then please contact me.
John Smith
Sent From Portal By John Smith APAGB, CPAGB, Hon LCPU