On the 8 May we hold our Annual General meeting when the committee reports on the current season. As a club we discuss and make plans for the coming year including electing a new committee, I would encourage everyone to attend and contribute.

We have two important vacancies on the committee without which the club can not function so nominations are requested for the next President and Syllabus Secretary, please ask me if you would like to know what is entailed.

Last years AGM decided it was time to update our constitution and rules last done in 2014 to more accurately reflect how the club actually operate. Rob took on this job and we now have a new draft set of constitution and competition rules which the committee recommend we accept. These documents are available below. We welcome all questions and amendment suggestions but we would appreciate these being brought to our attention before the meeting to facilitate a more informed discussion.

In addition we now need a Data Protection policy a draft of which is also below and which the committee will again recommend we adopt.

Any motions from the membership or items for discussion are invited at least 14 days before the meeting for inclusion in the agenda, a draft agenda is below.


Agenda North Cheshire Photographic Society AGM 2018

NCPS Club Worker Competition Rules Season 2017-18

NCPS Constitution March 2018

2014 Combined_constitution_and_rules_

NCPS Exhibition Rules